How It Works

Get started with Augmently in 4 simple steps

  • Download

    Download the Augmently app from iTunes or Play store

  • Register

    Register with Augmently, log in and start using the app

  • Upload Catalog

    Upload 3D files of your products, create and manage your online catalog

  • View product in AR

    View your products in AR, place objects, change fabrics and much more

The Augmently Advantage

Augmently improves efficiency through the value chain by enabling interaction between the technical and business functions of your organization. This means providing a complete, end-to-end solution that enables the success of your augmented reality roadmap.


High-Quality Augmented Reality experience across mobile devices, and iOS and Android operating systems


3D content creation and/or rendering from existing file formats to make them AR compatible


Back-end integration with internal applications and IT systems such as Databases, eCommerce engines and CRMs


Continuous and ongoing technical support, application maintenance and optimization

The Power of Augmently

Augmently revolutionizes the way you engage with your prospects. It helps you deliver an intuitive buying experience to your clients, and helps your clients to buy with confidence and ease.


Augmently bolsters your sales by giving your prospects the ability to make informed and accurate decisions. Moreover, your sales team can track engagement analytics, helping you to invest in the right products and maximize sales.


Augmently empowers your sales teams in new and powerful ways. Using augmented reality, sales reps can help their clients to visualize furniture in their own space—eliminating guess work and adding confidence in the purchasing cycle.

Tracking & Analytics

Your sales teams can track user engagement through the client’s buying journey, and in additions, feed actionable insights to your design and manufacturing teams to help them understand which products engage buyers the most.


Augmently is available on iOS and Android operating systems across smartphones, iPads and tablets. Your sales teams can carry your entire catalog with them anywhere with access to limitless products and options at their fingertips.

Customer Engagement

Augmently enhances your customers’ buying experience tremendously. It offers a rich and intuitive user experience, saves time for buyers and lets them try products before they buy, minimizing the chances of returns.


With Augmently, all your data is secured in the cloud, so you can store, manage and share your content from anywhere, anytime. It gives you scalability, availability and security.

Some of our use cases for the furniture industry

Watch some of our augmented reality demos in action on Android smartphones, iPads and iPhones


Kitchen cabinets


Meeting pods

Kitchen appliances

Carpets and rugs

Give your clients the ultimate buying experience

Augmently lets your sales teams showcase furniture in augmented reality—allowing them to access and present limitless product combinations in real time, in the client’s own space.

With Augmently, sales reps can showcase their products in new and interactive ways, helping them to:

Let buyers try out furniture in their own space before they buy it 

Show limitless fabric options, materials and color combinations in real time

Track user engagement to help manufacturers understand which products engage buyers the most

Avoid costs incurred on product samples, mock-ups and returns

Sign up for a free 30 days trial

Fill out the form below and get your free 3D models and trial app